Author Archives: admin

My Induction Into the Blogging World…

After working in urban education epi-centers across the country for the past twenty-seven years, I decided it was time to chronicle my journey and share best practices with fellow educators. This blog is connected to my work as Chief Executive Officer at TranscEnDence Educational Partners, a consulting firm aimed at helping urban schools find solutions to educating students in underserved communities such that they realize their wildest dreams! Follow my journey here…

Campus culture & climate transformation

TranscEnDence Educational Partners recognizes the necessity to assist districts/schools in applying systematic approaches that target effective academic and behavioral supports for students through its offerings in targeted professional development, tools and resource support alongside coaching supports around…

Executive performance coaching for school leadership teams

Recognizing the importance of “shared or distributed leadership” and the need for the school leader to build structures of accountability and joint ownership for multi-faceted leadership to take hold in a school, TranscEnDence Educational Partners’ model for school leadership team development…

School Leadership Development & Coaching

A pillar of the TranscEnDence Educational Partners’ model is its proven multi-year school leadership development, training, and coaching program designed to assist districts in building a pipeline or “bench” of highly skilled school leaders for K-12 urban schools.